So, I got a record player on Saturday.
More correctly, I got a badass 4-in-1 combo of awesome that looks like an old tyme radio. But most importantly is the record player.
That’s right, friends, I can now go back to listening to albums on vinyl. Not because they’re easier to deal with than, well, ANY other media format. Not because they sound better than, well, ANY other media format. No. Because I now feel somehow cooler than everyone who DOESN’T sit around their house on Sunday afternoons playing video games and listening to indie rock and classic rock on vinyl.
That’s right. I have become that which I mocked. And I didn’t even really feel that bad about it. In fact, when I made the trip to Best Buy on Saturday night to look at their newly expanded vinyl section, a kid walked by and said to his friend EXACTLY the same thing I’d said and thought every time I saw people buying indie rock on vinyl. “People just like to buy things on vinyl because it makes them feel like they’re cooler than other people.”
You know what, son. It DOES. And I’m not going to complain about it. In fact, I feel pretty great about spending the meager excesses of my paycheck down in the basement of the record store looking at used albums on vinyl. I feel EXTRAORDINARILY great that my record collection grew from 2, a random album I bought for my friend, and a 45 I bought in Japan to 13 in a mere 24-hour span. I’ve actually made it my goal to have the most impressively diverse record collection of anyone I know. And if you know the people I know, you’ll know that that’s a pretty daunting feat.
I LIKE LISTENING TO RECORDS!!!! And, yeah, it does make me feel cooler than people who don’t.
Plus…my record player is badass. Did I mention that?
My parents still have an old victrola - the kind about five feet tall where the top flips open to reveal the turntable and the middle part opens for storage of albums. Those old 78s were, like, an inch thick. The needle on the phonograph arm looks like something from a medieval torture device. Know what? It still works (or did, like 30 years ago; hasn't been messed with much since, so probably still does work) I think I have that same gene, too; I still have my 25-year old VCR.
Crap; I'm old.
I'd LOVE to find an old victrola that still worked! Not that I think I could find a 78 anymore....
I'm not even that old and I still tell people about movies I used to watch on Betamax and how much better it was. I don't think you should feel old because you still own your VCR. If it works why get rid of it?
I have always wanted a record player!! My mom has a bunch of old records that I've wanted to play for so long...was it expensive?
It was like $100. But there are less awesome looking ones that are cheaper.
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