Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Brackets 2010

To take a very fun cue (copy) from the World's Best Blogger Joe Dude over at Blogonoscopy, I've filled out 2 separate NCAA tournament brackets this year. There's the "Head" which I use my vast stores of accumulated knowledge from the past 4 months to (incorrectly) predict who I think will actually win games in the tournament. This one was hard for me to fill out, but it's also the one that I enter in all of the various pools that people ask me to join. This year.....that bracket looks like this:

I had to make some VERY morally tough decisions on that bracket. In fact, when I was done, I slammed the pen down on the table in disgust and yelled "FINE!" My elite 8 games may be realistic, my Final Four games are *probably* realistic.......but that doesn't mean I like them. The only thing I couldn't do was cave in on my posturing about this year's National Champion that I started around December.

Except on the Heart bracket. The one I fill out using my heart. The one that even took ME by surprise after I got done filling it out. Want to see?

Yep. That happened. Wisconsin beats UK....but we all know that happens in my heart. There are no BIG surprises here....except maybe Syracuse beating Pitt, but I already told you all I was riding the Orange train this year. No....there are no big surprises until the east..........when Marquette beats Wisconsin. And then beats Duke. I know they're my "hometown team", but for all my chastising of some of my folks here for choosing the Gophers over the Badgers at several points last year, and for all my "I don't CARE if they're your hometown team, you didn't go there, you went to UW."........I picked the hometown team to win it all. But it's just because they're SO. DARN. TINY.


Molly said...

i'd like to formally protest the use of "world's best blogger" to describe joe dude.

let's all do our part to keep his ego in check.

Sari said...

Fair enough.

Consider the description revoked.