Friday, September 4, 2009

Fun With Random IM Conversations

Sometimes I have funny message conversations. Often times I post said conversations here for you to read. Usually it helps to know the players involved.....but occasionally it's just funny because B says funny things a lot. Here's one I had today.

B: I have been doing pretty well today

B: I think it's the focus nutrisoda
B: which it pro'ly isn't, but I'ma pretend
SK: i think it's all in your head because you drank the focus nutrisoda
B: yep
SK: that's how that stuff works, you know
B: yeah I know
SK: they tell you it will make you focus and it brain tricks you into it
B: but you're still focusing
B: so at least it works
B: even if it doesn't
SK: and you gave them a dollar
B: yep

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