Monday, June 28, 2010

Consider Yourselves Warned

The epic....month-long pack-up-the-apartment-I've-lived-in-for-3-years-and-move-it-all-40 blocks-north-in-a-1996-Geo-Prizm time has begun.

Ordinarily, moving makes me into some sort of crazed psychopath because I'm just the right amount and kind of OCD that I just sorta freak out when my life is disrupted for a few weeks and I can't find any of my things.

This time, I planned on having an entire month to move so that I could do things in an orderly fashion and possibly not lose my mind about things.

Not so.

I regret to inform you that while the stress of trying to move in some sort of orderly fashion while still living in my current apartment and working full time and maintaining a social life has, in fact, not yet made me reach a stage of complete and utter emotional meltdown (just small ones here and there), it HAS, in fact, turned me into an unreasonably heinous bitch.

Anyone wanting social interaction with forewarned. It likely won't be directed at you.....but it will likely be directed somewhere.

I apologize ahead of time for my behavior over the next month. It's hard to be minorly OCD and try to keep something organized that is inherently DIS-organized.

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