Thursday, October 21, 2010

Things I Like


Remember me?!

I've been having either life crises (filed under my other blog), boring non-adventures (filed under "my life"), or playing video games (filed under my OTHER other blog), so I haven't written in a while. (Yes, I'm more than aware that my (borderline obsessive) playing of said video game could go here in a post titled "things I like", but it shouldn't be spoken of in non-geek company. Plus, I don't think "like" is the right word.)


Things I like. At least things I like right now.

1. Dunn Brothers' Coffee Vanilla Latte. Try it. It's amazing. In fact, it's some of the best coffee I've had since the vanilla bean roast from Seattle's Best Coffee. Which I miss terribly, but I hear a rumor you can get at Subway. I never go in's like instant death for someone like me. If anyone can confirm that Subway does, in fact, have SBC Vanilla Bean roast, then I will likely be late for work every single day because I *NEEDED* to run across the street to Subway to get a coffee. Otherwise, I will continue my now daily stop to the Dunn Brothers' that is downtown and on my way to the office.

2. There is currently gluten-free chocolate cake in the lunchroom. And I didn't bring it in. I feel like all my prayers have been answered and heaven has opened for me. I also feel like I should hold the remainder of my workday in the lunchroom so I can be close to the cake.

3. Seattle Sounders FC. Yeah. It's true. Go Sounders Go!

4. The Giants are beating the Phillies and the Rangers are coming closer to beating the Yankees. 'Nough said. I miss Z. Happy October.

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