Monday, January 25, 2010

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Can

My co-worker and office-mate Jim is often seen with his blue Caribou Coffee travel mug.  It's not a particularly unique mug...they sell them at every Caribou everywhere, I imagine.  But I still associate that blue mug with Jim.  Just I walked into the WOMEN'S restroom here at the office, I saw a blue Caribou Coffee travel mug on the little ledge we've got for people to set their things on.  Immediately upon seeing the mug, I thought to myself, "Oh!  That's Jim's mug!  I wonder if he lost it.  I should take it back to him.

Seriously.  It took me a few seconds to realize that JIM could not possibly have left his mug in the WOMEN'S restroom.

Sometimes I'm a little slow.  I'd blame it on something like it being the end of the day on a Monday, but we all know that's just pathetic.

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