Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It Looks Like Candyland Exploded on Your House

You may recall a few posts back when I talked about the increasing ridiculousness of people's Christmas decorations. This continues the sentiment that people's decorations get more and more ridiculous every year. Now. I'm ok with lots of lights on a house, but there's a way to do that while keeping things classy. White lights, or at least solid colors, or at least really just don't throw things willy-nilly at the house with seeming no rhyme or reason. What am I talking about? Some photos. All from within 10 blocks of my house. All taken out the passenger side window of a car because it's too freaking cold to actually walk around the neighborhood right now.

OK. Admittedly, those first four aren't that bad. I've seen worse. In fact. I will show you worse. Right now.

(Yay America???)

(This is only HALF the yard....the other half is just as bad.)

(It's not as good because the star on top of the light string isn't on.)

(This picture doesn't do justice to the myriad of flashy things in multiple colors and persuasions that were going on in the background of the snowman/candycane/birch tree centerpiece.)

The coup de grĂ¢ce
(Again. Only half the yard. There were just as many candycanes and all sorts more random light up stuff in the other half of the yard. Literally like Candyland.)

Ok all. That's just some of what I'm talking about. Now, my car photography doesn't do it justice. But I'm sure you can drive around your neighborhood and see equally as ridiculous displays of lights. Maybe you have some of them. For which I apologize. Or maybe you should.

America. Let's keep Christmas classy.

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