Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How to NOT Help Pedestrians OR Way to Still Be A Jackass

So. This morning I was making my usual walk from my house to the train station to get to work. This walk involves cutting through a gap in the fence and then crossing a rather large parking lot for a hotel and a restaurant. No big deal really. I had just gotten through the gap in the fence and was starting on my journey across the parking lot, when I saw this very large white SUV sort of car coming down the "driveway" portion of the parking lot. The car would need to turn left down the aisle that I was crossing. Fine. I kept walking since, it's a PARKING LOT not a street. Dude in the SUV deliberately slowed down....ok, I'll give that one to him, he was going a bit fast for the parking lot anyway.....and then looks at me and motions for me to continue walking instead of stopping and waiting for him to turn left down the parking lot aisle.

I gave him a cursory head nod, but I said aloud to myself and anyone who could possibly have heard it....."Yeah. Never planned on NOT. Thanks, though."

Seriously.....I'm walking in a parking lot. You're not doing me a favor by waving me on my way. I was planning on continuing to walk regardless of your egocentric "goodwill" toward me. How about we try doing that when I get to the CROSSWALK and all 15 cars decide that they can't be bothered to let me cross before they turn into said parking lot. THEN I will think you're a decent human being.


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