Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Everything's better with Facon (and broken glass), right?

Why I shouldn't attempt to make tea 4 seconds after getting up....

My throat's been sore lately (perfectly good vacation day WASTED because it could have been a sick day....that's another gripe for another time), so I wanted to make some tea for it. I got the water ready, got the teabag in the cup, then thought I should add some honey. I open the cabinet where I keep honey (along with other miscellaneous spices/oils/random things used for cooking), and put my hand on what looks like the honey container. I almost have the cap off when I realize that it's NOT honey, it's vanilla extract. So I put it back and try again. The second time, I'm WAY convinced that I have the honey, but it turned out to be imitation bacon bits. Which I'm REALLY glad I noticed before they got in my cup. Though, I suppose as long as the water wasn't in there I could have poured them back in......The third time I managed to find the honey and successfully got it in my cup.

BUT THEN! Just now, when I went to put the water in my tea, I opened the cabinet to get something to cover my teacup (following package directions for once) and managed to knock a glass out of the cabinet which proceeded to bounce off the counter and explode into billions of tiny shards all over the counter, and the floor, (but fortunately NOT my teacup....I don't think. Haven't tried drinking it yet.)

Maybe the moral of this story is not, "don't do things in the morning". Maybe it's, "Sari, put your glasses on, duh!" But I think it's a little bit "don't do things in the morning".

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